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helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting

Cathy Williams
Jan 85 min read
What 'Wintering' means to me
I came across the idea of ‘Wintering’ a few years ago. I was given the book ‘Wintering’ by Katherine May. It is her story of walking...
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Cathy Williams
Jul 26, 20245 min read
When should I give my baby peanut?
What does the latest research say about giving your baby peanuts and peanut butter, and preventing peanut allergies.
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Cathy Williams
Jun 12, 20244 min read
Why playing with food is beneficial for babies
Five surprising perks of messy mealtimes. Does your baby wiping yogurt in their hair or smearing beans over their high chair give you...
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Cathy Williams
May 2, 20244 min read
Semi-skimmed after one?
UK government adopts changes to recommendations on food and drink for 1-5 year olds, including milk for toddlers. The UK government has...
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Cathy Williams
Mar 1, 20247 min read
Are parents waiting too long to potty train?
This question has been in the news this week, and not for the first time. Certainly teachers are reporting that more children are...
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Cathy Williams
Jan 20, 20245 min read
Can I have a home birth with midwives from a different hospital?
This is a question I have just had in my inbox. And the short answer is yes! A lot of people think it is not possible, including...
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Cathy Williams
Aug 25, 20236 min read
Latest news about toddler food
Six interesting findings about toddlers and food. Do you have a toddler? Or do you work with families who have toddlers? Last month (July...
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Cathy Williams
May 4, 20235 min read
How a labyrinth healed my grief
The day before my husband died I held my first retreat day at Tofte Manor in Bedfordshire, a beautiful retreat venue with the unique...
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Cathy Williams
May 2, 20234 min read
What will you bring to the labyrinth?
A labyrinth is a wellbeing tool, and then some. It is a single path winding its way to the middle, so unlike a maze there are no...
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Cathy Williams
Apr 5, 20232 min read
Go barefoot!
The benefits of grounding When was the last time you stood with bare feet on the ground? Last summer? Other mammals are physically in...
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Cathy Williams
Mar 10, 20234 min read
Why 'toddler led toileting'?
If you are reading this you are probably a child centred parent following a ‘gentle parenting’ or ‘positive parenting’ or ‘responsive...
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Cathy Williams
Feb 2, 20232 min read
Five wellbeing wins for a feelgood February
It's Spring! Even if it doesn't feel much like it. I love February, it's my birthday month, but one of my friends really struggles with...
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Cathy Williams
Nov 17, 20222 min read
Can I have a water birth with a vbac?
#vbacquestions YES! is the quick answer. About half of my doula clients had vbacs, and the vast majority of them, at home in birth pools....
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Cathy Williams
Apr 3, 20224 min read
What is a fire ceremony?
Today I thought I would tell you a little about the fire ceremonies I do at the retreats. It can sound a bit ‘whoo’. And you may be...
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Cathy Williams
Feb 16, 20222 min read
Does having a vbac increase your chance of a 3rd or 4th degree injury?
A new study has found that women going for vbac were more likely to have a 3rd or 4th degree perineal tear (anal sphincter injury), than...
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Cathy Williams
Jun 21, 20215 min read
Let your hormones be in the driving seat
The important hormones of childbirth Giving birth is controlled by the most primitive part of our brain, sometimes called ‘the reptilian...
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Cathy Williams
Aug 18, 20204 min read
Water baby
It's my #4's 16th birthday. Here's his birth story. I was fed up. It was my due date. All of my previous three babies had come well...
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Cathy Williams
May 17, 20204 min read
6 steps to making a complaint
Making a complaint about your maternity care. Maternity care in the UK is not perfect. Midwives and doctors are human beings, trying to...
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Cathy Williams
Mar 12, 20207 min read
Coronavirus and home birth
Has the Coronavirus outbreak made you consider home birth? Or are you wondering what would happen to your home birth plans if you come...
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