helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting

chilled parenting
Congratulations! Your baby is now a toddler, a pre-schooler, a school kid, a teen!
Now what? How do you still embrace gentle parenting, intuitive parenting, science-based parenting in this next stages?
Using the same approach and similar tools, you can help them navigate the next stages of their lives, and of your parenting.
Believe me, what you put in in the early years will pay dividends when they are teens and young adults.
These courses will help you cut through the overwhelm, let go of judgement, and continue to be the parent you are: the one that is just right for your growing child.
This is a new evolving section of Chilled Mama, so watch this space.
Potty training
Other courses
It is easy to be stressed as a parent, there is a lot to get stressed about!
Most of us, at some time, want to be more chilled, more relaxed, because we know that will make us happier, make our children happier, and make life easier, more fun.
From my experience, personal and professional, I have distilled four aspects to being a chilled parent, wherever you are in your parenting journey.
Download my guide: 4 steps to be a chilled mama, papa, parent.