helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting
Yummy activities such as baby massage plus useful workshops to increase your confidence and skills.
Have a chilled start to your baby's life.

Using science and intuition to give you confidence in being a parent
Having a baby gives you the best of days, and the worst of days. Nothing is more rewarding or more exhausting! Just when you have the hang of one thing, your baby grows up and there is another challenge to get your head around.
Everyone has an opinion. There seem to be a number of different approaches. How do you work out what is right for you and your baby? Many parents are wanting to be responsive parents, to follow their instincts to cuddle their baby, carry their baby, sleep with their baby. This can feel like you are going against the tide of our cultural norms. But the tide is changing, and you the science is backing you up.
Baby massage colic routine
Free video and pdf download
Watch this YouTube video and learn simple techniques to relieve your little one's tummy pain, and also helps with constipation.
Download this pdf of instructions to give more clarity. Here are some more pdfs about baby massage: which oils to use, benefits of baby massage, and some tips. I am no longer teaching baby massage, but I thoroughly recommend it.
In person & online
Introducing food can seem daunting and overwhelming. Different websites recommending different things. Complicated schedules. Jars that say 4 months, health visitor who says 6. Baby led weaning, purees, snacks, drinks, ....... What to do?! What's right?
This course will answer all your questions, leaving you feeling confident, relaxed, and even excited about your baby's next step. Find out more.
Sale: £3.50 (usually £6)
This is the booklet that accompanies the above workshop. It covers most of the same information, including attitude to food, when to start, what are the signs, what to avoid, and balancing milk and solid foods. Immediate download. Purchase HERE.

Online course - coming soon
How to grow a happy & confident child. Early interactions grow the connections in your baby's brain, and build a strong attachment to you, giving them happiness and confidence. Learn more about how your baby's brain develops, and what helps them grow, learn, and what impacts their emotions and behaviour.

Connections guide
Sale: £3.60 (usually £6)
How to grow a happy & confident child. Learn more about how your baby's brain develops, and what helps them grow, learn, and what impacts their emotions and behaviour. Includes tips of how to increase the bond, developmental stages, and games and songs for your baby. Immediate download. Purchase HERE.
Online & in person workshops
Want to start 'potty training' with a gentle parenting approach?
You've followed baby led feeding, baby led weaning, and supported your baby with the other development stages such as walking and talking, find out how to follow your toddler's lead for an easier time starting toileting too. Click HERE to find more and HERE to download a free top tips pdf.