helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting
Toddler led toileting facilitator training
Increase your knowledge, keep up to date, and build your confidence.
Meet the needs of your clients from pregnancy through the first year, meeting their key concerns.
If you are a health professional, children's centre worker, antenatal teacher, and/or doula, these courses are for you.
Or perhaps you would like to start your own business providing workshops and courses to parents and parents-to-be, just like several of my trainees have done.
Train to deliver fun, interactive parenting toddler led toileting workshop to parents about starting toileting with a gentle parenting approach.
As with baby led feeding, baby led weaning/starting solids, a child centred approach can reduce stress for parent and child, and support parents' intuitive sense to be responsive to their individual. As with solids, it is really important to keep the process of starting toileting as stress free for toddlers as possible. Learning to release wee, and particularly poo, can be psychologically difficult for toddlers. Their body image and self esteem can be impacted by their parents' responses during this developmental stage. Children can be left with long lasting consequences, such as impacted bowels.
Toileting is a chance for parents to think about how they want to parent their children. It is the start of giving children confidence in their body, learning how their body works, having autonomy and understanding consent. The words we use can even help to prevent abuse.
Some of the parenting phrases and approaches you may have seen or heard about, such as sticker charts, can be unhelpful, or even detrimental. It is at this point children can learn that their body can be dirty and disgusting, or they can learn that their body is amazing and toileting is a normal bodily function. It starts here.
If you understand the processes going on for them, and have expectations of what is 'normal' development, this can help you be more relaxed, and that will make the whole thing easier for all of you.
Local parents really value this workshop.
Fill a gap and help parents in your area
Useful income
Straightforward, structured workshop
Handbook & resources
Great training with experienced facilitator & ongoing support
Supports responsive parenting, child development, attachment, self confidence
Non-judgemental, developmental approach
Your own business, no franchise or ongoing payments
Is it for you?
Are you looking for an extra source of income that is well tested?
Do you have an interest in supporting parents, and helping them through this stage?
It is especially suitable for people who already run antenatal/postnatal classes. Or parents looking to start their own business.
It is a straightforward, structured workshop which is easy to follow, with tried and tested activities to do with parents, couples, either in their own home or in a community venue. The training goes through all the activities, step by step, so by the end of the training you will feel confident to get started straightaway.
It is a full day of training, in person or online training. There is ongoing support to run your own sessions. You get a handbook, with helpful notes, and resources to run all the activities. It is a useful source of income, whether you are a mum or dad at home, or birth professional such as a baby massage teacher, antenatal teacher, hypnobirthing teacher or similar.
I am not claiming to be an expert in toileting. I am an trained and experienced parenting practitioner and I have created courses and workshops for parents that I know work, and go down well. The early parenting/postnatal course I wrote when managing a Sure Start children's centre in Central Bedfordshire, is still being delivered in all the children's centres.
I have trained two cohorts of facilitators and have great feedback. However I have trained almost eighty Starting Solids Facilitators over the last two and a bit years, and further down the page is what some of them have said about their training, to give you an idea of the quality and depth of the training.
Download information sheet about the training PDF HERE.
Book further down the page.
About me
I am a parenting practitioner, doula, antenatal teacher & more. While managing a Sure Start children’s centre I wrote and trained staff for a postnatal parenting course. I have delivered workshops and courses to parents and parents-to-be for almost twenty years.
Any questions? Ask me:

I absolutely recommend this training. It's the only training like this, and a really great addition to your business if you work with toddlers. The genuine care from you wanting us to fully understand and listening and answering when we was unsure on something. Plus your passion of a gentle approach.
Abbi Kent, Loving Little Minds
I found the training really engaging, I really like your chilled approach whilst still having a clear structure. I really enjoyed the section at the end with the questions of real life situations. I think this really brought it all together for me. I actually don’t have any suggestions for improving the training, it was exactly what I hoped and thought it would be.
Amanda Burgess, The Gentle Parent Coach
Thank you so so much for this and the extra learning to sensory internal and external feelings. I will research this more. I appreciate your ongoing support, you're so very wise!
Kimberley Goldsmith, Awe and Wonder