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helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting
You're having a baby!
Prepare to meet your baby with confidence and joy, feeling in control.
There is a lot of fear around giving birth. Through the services I offer I hope you will have a better experience, and can feel prepared for the birth and life with a baby, whatever happens. I particularly specialise in birth after caesarean or previous traumatic birth.
My antenatal masterclasses are an extra level up from traditional antenatal classes. They can be an extra top up, going in more depth, with more emphasis on skills, on key topics. They are each a useful refresher. Pick and mix to create your personalised antenatal course, especially if combined with 1-1 sessions of antenatal doula service (all the antenatal support of a doula, but I don't attend the birth - unless you decide you do want me).
Each masterclass will give you extra in depth knowledge and, in particular, skills. The masterclasses are based on almost two decades of experience of supporting hundreds of women and their partners prepare for birth and to meet their babies. This is stuff you need to know - and some of it isn't taught in traditional classes.
I have a lot of experience supporting women who had a difficult or traumatic birth previously. I can help you find out what happened before, what your options are for the next birth, and how to negotiate your care, whether its for an elective caesarean or home water birth - or even how to have a plan for both.
Emotional & practical support for pregnancy, birth, and early days. Luton & Dunstable, Bedford, MK General, midwife led unit, home birth, water birth, vbac.
Pregnancy relaxation classes
Enjoy chill out time with your baby at this special antenatal course. Birth skills, help with sleep in pregnancy, and great for birth partners. For hospital birth, home birth, water birth, vbac.
Birth after trauma/caesarean
Are you scared or worried about giving birth again? You do not need to be pregnant to access this service. If you had traumatic birth and/or caesarean/ or still birth, this is for you.
Emotional & practical support for pregnancy, birth, and early days. Luton & Dunstable, Bedford, MK General, midwife led unit, home birth, water birth, vbac.
Chilled Papa
My masterclasses are particularly designed with partners in mind. Many men can feel sidelined by antenatal care and classes, the butt of jokes, without a role, just to be there. Yet they are a fundamental part of what is going on. It's his baby too. You are doing this together. My masterclasses will give him specific insights and skills so he can feel more confident to support you, have a better understanding of what is going on. It is just as important for dads-to-be to feel calm, confident and in control too.
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