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helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting

NEXT Proactive Birth Masterclass:
Saturday 24th June,
10.00-1.00, Toddington
Partners are free.
Or email me:

Proactive birth masterclass
Did you know an upright or leaning forward posisiton opens your pelvis up making over 30% more room for the baby to pass through than if you are lying on a bed?
This is a practical workshop covering positions for labour and birth; using a birth ball; skills for coping with contractions; massage; using a rebozo shawl; relaxation; and visualisation. It will also cover knowledge of how your body works in labour so you can work with it.Many of the women I work with want to be learning upfront, to have ideas to help them, and not rely on going with the flow on the day.
Recent research has shown that a skills based antenatal education led to reduced caesareans, interventions and pain relief.
By the end of the workshop you will understand how to put yourself in the best position for all to go well. You will feel more positive about giving birth and be confident in the skills you have learnt. Partners will have a greater understanding of what happens in labour and what they can do to help.
They say if you want to have a great birth find someone who had one and do what they did. I have had five straightforward amazing births, four at home, all using water, one born in the water. I will share my strategies with you.
"This course had more hands on practice in each station (like doing a full round of breathing through contractions) and using the rebozo scarf, compared to the [other private] course. NHS antenatal classes don't cover this at all."
"Loads of useful techniques and info. My partner feels more prepared. Good to practice the different positions and breathing."
"I feel more confident to support my partner. I have some tools to use."
Book onto the Proactive Birth Masterclass Day plus the Breastfeeding session - and save money.
Partners are free.
Any questions? Please email me ~

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