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Local links

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Home birth group

There are home birth groups in Luton/Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, & Milton Keynes.  Ask me for details.

Postnatal low mood/depression/anxiety

First step is to understand that this is common. It is not your fault.


You can talk to your health visitor. They can do some listening visits and can also refer you to other sources of help, such as the NHS wellbeing service who offer CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) which is a talking therapy, a bit more proactive than counselling. You can also self refer.

The local health service provide some downloadable self help guides, covering a wide range of mental health issues.

If you have low mood and or anxiety Home Start are a wonderful charity. They have volunteers who can come round once a week or once a fortnight, and chat, help folding clothes, go out to the park with you, that sort of thing. They also run postnatal low mood groups. Your local children's centre or your health visitor will have more information.

The Baby Buddy app has some great videos about postnatal mental health. It can be reassuring to hear other people's stories. It is available for both apple and android. 

If you want to go private you can have sessions with a clinical psychologist. I can recommend two that I personally know and have used.  Michaela Thomas has a practise in London. Olivia Doughty is based in Woburn Sands, Bedfordshire. 

Several of my clients have had sessions with Rachel at Healing Your Stories and rave about her. She is based near Tring and offers Skype sessions to those further afield.

I can come and do a session with you talking through your birth and/or closing the bones. You might also benefit from my Mama Retreat Days.

Baby massage helps release oxytocin in you and baby.  Your local children's centre may offer classes. I teach baby massage at Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre.  You can find other Touch Learn trained baby massage teachers here.

Carrying your baby in a sling or baby carrier can really help as it causes your body, and your baby's, to release oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone, and endorphin, the happy hormone. There are lots of local sling groups and library where you can try them out, borrow them, and get support using them. Locally there are ones in

Leighton Buzzard with Leighton Buzzard & District Sling Library,

Luton and Dunstable with Luton Slings,

Milton Keynes MK Sling Library 

Bedford North Beds NCT Sling Library

Flitwick Mid Beds NCT Sling Library


Breastfeeding and feeding support

Local breastfeeding support:

Baby brasseries drop in support in Central Beds (open to everyone).

Luton drop in (open to everyone).

Luton and Bedford La Leche League drop in and support via phone and fb.

Also your midwife/health visitor. And they can refer you to the specialist breastfeeding team. Children's Centre staff can also give support.

Private bf support:
Lauren Wong IBCLC. Love Milk Based in Leighton Buzzard
Ros McFadden IBCLC. Breastfeeding Hub MK Based in MK 
Suzanne Barber IBCLC. Baby to breast Based in Bedford. 

Breastfeeding videos on Baby Buddy app


Also national breastfeeding helplines.

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