helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting

Toddler Led Toileting Facilitator
Course Price
Course length
1 day

Cathy Williams, Chilled Mama
I am a trained parenting course facilitator for a number of parenting courses. I managed a Sure Start children’s centre for almost eight years. When managing the children’s centre I wrote a postnatal course which was rolled out across the local authority, and is still being delivered. I have delivered workshops to parents and parent-to-be for almost ten years. I am also an antenatal teacher, doula and ex-primary school teacher.
About the course
Train to deliver a Toddler Led Toileting Workshop. Many parents struggle to find information about potty training that has a gentle parenting approach.
Why train to be a facilitator?
• Fill a gap and help parents in your area feel calm and confident about starting toileting.
• Earn income with a straightforward workshop you can just turn up and deliver.
• Structured session with tried and tested interactive activities with resources to engage parents.
• Increase your knowledge and confidence in talking to parents about starting toileting.
• Training with an experienced facilitator, who has developed and run workshops to hundreds of parents.
• Handbook and marketing resources to get you started and give you confidence.
• Follow up reflection and ongoing support from me.
What does the training involve?
• Pre course reading on toileting and responsive parenting.
• Training, in person or online, including background knowledge; using the resources and practising delivering sections of the workshop; group skills and scenarios; running your own sessions.
• Training is one day; 9.30-4.30, in person or 9.00-4.00 online.
• Written or video reflection, to help you feel confident in delivering the workshop.
• Follow up support.
• Handbook with background knowledge, lesson plans, & outline of all the activities with notes.
• Printable activity cards.
• Printable handouts for workshops, including my booklet ‘Chilled Mama’s guide to toddler led toileting.’
• PowerPoint slides for delivering online workshops.
• Marketing materials.
Tell me more about the Toddler Led Toileting workshop:
Many parents have been baby led, from milk to weaning, and want to continue this with potty training. Parents are more aware of the value of intrinsic motivation, and pitfalls of reward systems that characterise many ‘potty training’ approaches. There is no need to ‘train’ a child to use a potty or toilet, any more than you need to train them to walk or talk. It is a physical and cognitive developmental stage.
The workshop is a parenting workshop. It has five simple principles to make the process easier, and give the child a positive sense of their body and what it does.
Contents of the workshop
• Why toddler led & the 5 principles
• Developmental milestones for toileting
• Before start, when to start, how to start, & how to continue
• Out & about
• Night time
• Poos
• Equipment
"The workshop was really helpful. We are just at the beginning of this journey and loving the advice to spend lots of time nappy free when you can. We did this yesterday and had lots of accidents but at the end of the day, without prompting E sat on the potty and did a poo."
The workshop is aimed at parents of toddlers, from eighteen months up. Most children start using a potty or toilet between the ages of two and three.
Elimination communication (EC), where babies use potties or toilets for poos and/or wees from earlier age is mentioned in this workshop but the focus is on those who have not used the EC approach. The workshop may still be useful for those who used a combination. The approach in this workshop is complimentary to EC.
The workshop can be delivered online or in person. It is interactive and gives parents opportunity to ask questions and discuss the different aspects. You can charge £25+ per person. The workshop takes 2 hours
After the course:
On successful completion of the training you can organise your own workshops, and other related activities. I can advise you and offer you support in organising and marketing your sessions. It is not a franchise. There are no further payments. Following successful completion of the course I will publicise your workshops on my website and social media.
Cost for the training is £197, as it is the first training course. It will normally be £247. This includes handbook and downloadable resources. Payment in full or £50 deposit, with balance paid by 25th April. I haven't got the page set up on my website to take bookings yet, so pay by PayPal or bank transfer Catherine Williams 202536 13091686
Additional costs:
Portable flipchart £12 (lasts 6-10 sessions), and pens.
Printing and laminating activity cards (can be purchased).
Books. (For your reading. You may want to show them to the parents.)
Handouts for each session (approx. £1-£2 per attendee). Alternatively you can send electronic copies.
If money is holding you back, why not set up a workshop to take place a fortnight after the training and get people to prebook. Eight people paying £25 almost covers the cost of the training.
The training and the workshops are in the process of being accredited as a parenting course by Wellbeing Insurance, the insurance company that I use. It is recommended that you have public liability insurance to run the workshops, and most venues will ask for this. If you are using a different insurance company then you can contact them and add it to your cover. I can provide any information they need.
Any questions?
Please feel free to contact me and ask.
This is the first Toddler Led Toileting facilitator training. I have trained facilitators to deliver Starting Solids workshops all over the country.
Here is some feedback from them to give you an idea of the quality of the training.
"The starting solids training was the best decision I made. To anyone thinking of attending you won’t regret it, there are lots of opportunities and it’s so much fun!"
Gill Norris, hypnobirthing teacher and health visitor
Thank you for this training Cathy, I found it really informative and excellent preparation for leading my own workshops. You put us all at ease and we had a great day of learning and exploring our own thoughts and emotions around weaning. You are so knowledgeable and I loved how flexible you were with regards to how we preferred to learn on the day. I’d definitely recommend this training to anyone interested in starting their own workshops. I can’t wait to get out there and start running Starting Solids workshops in my area.
Joanne, Love Parenthood