helping parents relax and follow their own path
from pregnancy to grandparenting
Being mum Being me

Find your path. Find your balance. Find yourself.
Feeling like you don't know where you are under the label of mum?
Weighed down by juggling it all?
Feel like the old you is hidden, never to return?
Find a new path. Find balance. Let go of shit. Feel energised and inspired.
I remember becoming a mum. I was prepared for the tiredness (as much as you can be). I was prepared for the disruption to our lives. I was prepared for the practicalities. I was not prepared to lose myself.
I was used to being an independent woman. I had studied. I had worked. I had earned my own money. I attended women's rights marches, and women's conferences. I was confident.
And then I had my first child. I was swamped. Our equal roles seemed to disappear out of the window. I was financially dependent. I loved being a mum (most of the time). I didn't want to not be with my daughter, my children. But there was no time for me. Most of my friends did not have children yet.
I had changed too. I had learnt new things. I had changed priorities. I had to find a new me. A me that combined the old me, and the new me.
I learnt the hard way that there is not a set way to be a mum, which was quite hard; I'd have liked more detailed instructions for success. There is no perfect mum. We cannot be all things. We cannot do all things. We have to chose to let go of what we can't do. To be the imperfect mum and woman that we are. Our own path.
Let's find a new version of motherhood. Find you inside the mum you are. Integrate the new you.
In this course you will
Examine your and society's pre-conceived notions of motherhood.
Let go of being perfect and accept that you are shit at some things, and bloody awesome at others. And that is good.
Let go of some expectations you put on yourself.
Identify steps to take today to create your new reality.
Take energy and affirmation from the other amazing women in the group.
Feel inspired, strengthened, and invigorated.
The workshop is for women of children of any age, but is particularly suitable for those with little ones.
There is an option to have a journal posted to you with prompts to get your started, and another option to get the journal PLUS a little goody bag of extras.